
 Hi there! Today I'm going to write about my inspiration to study my career.

     I chose this topic because it is important and relevant for me. My family and I are very proud of the decision I made.

     When I was a little girl I always went to my grandmother's house. She was a dentist and she had her office at home, so I saw her attending patients all the time . Therefore while she was working I looked at her and when people left I stayed in her office and she taught me how to use the machines. I loved that. When I grew up I knew I wanted to study odontology due to that experience and because I liked biology. I also like to do things with my hands so odontology was the best career for me. Now I’m very happy about the decision I made.

Thanks for reading!!



  1. Could you tell us a little more about your grandmother, she is a great inspiration and I am very happy that she helped you choose this career!!!

  2. How tender to fulfill your wish as a girl, unique feeling. It is also an incredible race.

  3. Your grandmother was a great inspiration for you, that is really lovely!
    It must be a honor for her to have helped you in such a difficult decision.

  4. How great to have a grandmother dentist, she must be very proud of you for following her path, you will be a great dentist!

  5. Hello Magdalena!!, you are very lucky to have a relative that is a dentist, because she can advise you. I also think she must be very proud of you.


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